Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

 What a fun month it's been!  What has the Mamo family been upto?  :)

 Grace no longer is wearing her helmet :)  We made the best decision for our family and chose not to go with a second one.  She is much happier and so are we!
 Learning to share? 
 I don't think so!  The girls are "fighting" over every toy, even though we have two of most of them!

 We joined the Brookfield Zoo!  We are under 10 miles away, I guess I just havn't realized how convenient our town is to almost everything!
 The girls are not quite as tall as a dolphin yet!

 Daddy and Grace waving to Mommy at the zoo
 Yes, this picture took a lot of coaxing from Mommy.  But they all had matching outfits on :)

 Only way I could get Grace to smile :)  Kisses from Mommy!

 They had so much fun... fell asleep before we even got back to the car!
 We now have two, VERY active crawlers!  Lily started first and Grace wasn't far behind!  Most of the pictures I get are now a blur

 The girls have had a few rides in "Daddy's" stroller.  First to the park, and then on a 15k run.  They love it!

 Checking everything out!
 This park is designed for children 2 - 5.  Our girls are just advanced!  First trip to a park!
 Lily LOVED the swing!
 Grace just wasn't sure.  Mommy wanted this pictures SO bad but Grace was not having it!
 She was not happy when we took her out!

 Sporting our Hawian Gear from Grandma Susan
 Posing in the shirts Grandma and Grandpa got for the girls before they were born.  Almost missed these!
 She just saw Kitty go by.  All focus is now on Kitty, and another hurdle in picture taking.

 We have our first Hawkeye Shirts (and flowers!)

 Fighting over who gets what flower
 BYOB :)
 So serious!  She was highly anticipating the game outcome!

 Happy 8 months to my Baby A :)

 And to my Baby B :)

 What is this, time out already?  :)
 Lily has two teeth through and Grace has one (with one coming in ANY day).  We're on to Cheerios and a few bites of differnt foods.  Lily eats Cheerios like they are going out of style, Grace is a little more cautious!

 Our morning set up.  Mommy sits in the middle, feeds them baby food while they munch on cereal, and then bottles.  Thanks to Boppy for reminding me of the highchairs!
 Not sure what she loves more, the Cheerios or the bowl.  Or the face that she dumped them ot all over the couch!
 Ding dong!  The doorbell had just rang and Miss Curiosity had to see who it was!  It was Grandma!
 Big smile for Grandma!
 I won't let my sister get a cute picture in without posing myself!

 Swim Lessons!  Grandma Kay and Daddy take the girls to swim lessons once a week.  Here they are working on their freestyle

 And their backstroke!

 Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall... had a big fall!
 Miss Serious was sad to leave the pool!
 We have a gate blocking the kitchen and Kitty's food/ litter box, but now it's time to get the gate for the stairs!
 Boppy with his girls :)
 Too cute!
 Boppy reminded Mommy of their owl hats!  Perfect for the windy day!
 Grandma Susan with the girls at the Brookfield Zoo!
 Grandma and Lily!
 Grandpop George has been gone for work for a very long time (well, in the life of babies!)  We took these pictures to send to him to welcome him home!  Miss you Grandpop can't wait to see you!  (Shhhh don't ruin the surprise he won't get the pictures till tomorrow!)

First steps in the making?  Miss Lily is standing up EVERYWHERE.  In her crib, on EVERYONE, toward her toys, and anywhere she can get a grip.  She pulled down two of the pumpkins already!  My little babies are growing up SO fast!!!

Thank you for checking out our photos!  Hope everyone is doing well!


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